As 2015 came to a close you may have spoken to a member of our Account Management Team regarding your level of satisfaction with your services here at NetSource (If you haven’t yet, expect to hear from us soon!). Your feedback is incredibly valuable, and we want to thank everyone who took the time to speak with us. We were pleased to receive so much positive feedback, which leads us optimistically into the New Year. However, we also want you to know that any constructive criticism we received has definitely been heard, and improvements are already in the works. For NetSource, a look at the New Year ahead shows new opportunity, improved relationships with our customers, the growth of our team, and much more. All of these share one common goal of providing you with the best and most customized hosting experience possible here at NetSource.

Take a look at a few of our biggest resolutions for 2016:

1. Grow our team

We started to add to our team in the second half of 2015 and plan to continue this trend into the New Year. With our growth in Account Management we aim to improve our communication with you and to tighten our partnership. We want to get to know you better so that we can service you better. In addition to the Account Management team, we also plan to add to our experienced technical support staff.

2. Improve the positive response rate we receive on customer surveys

NetSource has consistently received a 98% positive response rate on customer service surveys over the past few years. Although we believe this is a great number, we know that we can do even better in 2016 and will remain focused on providing the best customer support in the industry.

3. Improve network uptime

As a data center, we believe that providing fantastic uptime is the single most important job we have. For 2016, our highest priority and much of our effort will be focused on continually improving network uptime. Our goal is to be known as the best provider for network uptime in the region. We have a number of projects planned, scheduled, and budgeted for 2016.

4. Introduce more hybrid solutions

With the rapid growth in cloud comes a growth in hybrid hosting environments here at NetSource. Hybrid environments take the best of all worlds to combine technology into an integrated hosting environment that solves each specific hosting problem. NetSource offers the range of services and expertise needed to build a custom hybrid solution that fits your exact needs. For example, with NetSource Dedicated Cloud you have a dedicated server within the cloud environment where you can manage your dedicated server just like cloud instances and share VM instances on the same network between the dedicated server and cloud servers.

5. Refresh our website

Our marketing department is currently working to refresh our website. This project aims to not only give the website a more updated look and feel but also to better communicate NetSource’s service offerings to new customers and current customers looking to add to their hosting services. Additionally, NetSource News will soon become NetSource Blog. Many informative topics will be covered on our blog, including hosting tips, industry news, special promotions, and more. Check back soon and let us know what you think!

6. Improve our communication process

Following the growth of our Account Management team here at NetSource, improvements are being made in our process of communicating with you. This includes the procedure for emergency response communication, increased points of contact, etc. Please feel free to reach out to us at any time!

7. Network upgrades

NetSource will be making network upgrades within the next few months that will improve network performance. These upgrades include:

  1. Adding another internet provider: NetSource recently added an additional internet provider connection, with Lightower. This connection is installed, but has not yet been turned on to the network. We will be testing for a few weeks and will announce when the connection has been turned on.
  2. Switch modernization

To all of our customers, thank you for a great 2015! We look forward to what the new year has in store. As always, please contact us at any time if you have any questions or suggestions for how we can serve you better.