in Cloud
NetSource launches a new CloudStack public cloud platform to offer our clients another resource to meet their growing hosting infrastructure goals. NetSource is an Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) provider and already offers colocation, dedicated servers, managed hosting, private cloud setups, and a public cloud. All these services use NetSource’s own SSAE16 Type II, SOC1, SOC2 datecenter located in Naperville, IL. NetSource is launching the new Cloudstack public cloud as an upgrade to our existing public cloud offering. The new cloud will offer increased performance, capacity, and security over our existing product and allow our customers many different custom options when selecting NetSource as a hosting provider.
NetSource understands that public cloud is not for everybody and everything. For example running large databases or big data services might be better suited for a dedicated environment. The new Cloudstack public cloud allows our customers to get a quality hosting account quickly when a public cloud instance makes sense. When another service makes more sense NetSource can offer that too. NetSource has setup the new CloudStack offering to include VLANs and didn’t select the flat network setup some other major cloud providers offer. This means that NetSource’s cloud is more secure in many aspects and can easily be linked to a colocation or dedicated server network at NetSource creating a hybrid solution. This hybrid setup is a great choice for businesses that want to run their front end web servers in the CloudStack layer, but run dedicated hardware for their database servers. NetSource can work with any business to discuss, plan, diagram, and implement a hybrid hosting setup.
CloudStack is an open source software designed to deploy and manage large networks of virtual machines. CloudStack was offered by Citrix and is currently used by a wide range of large companies worldwide to provide a solid cloud computing platform. CloudStack includes the entire “Stack” including Network-as-a-Service, user and account management, a full and open native API, resource accounting, and a great user interface (UI).
While many of the big corporations are fighting for dominance in the public cloud sector NetSource takes a different approach. NetSource only offers our CloudStack public cloud to our clients if it meets their business needs or solves a problem. We use it as a tool in building out a fully custom hosting solution for our clients. NetSource can incorporate a mix of other hosting services to ensure the client gets the best performance and value from the hosting environment. NetSource niche is working with small and medium sized companies who require enterprise hosting services but need some help implanting a solution. If you want a hosting partner and not just a provider then NetSource is a good choice. Contact a NetSource representative today at 630-778-1212 to setup a meeting to discuss your hosting needs today.